Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)

We have identified that Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is gaining momentum globally. With our vast experience offering clients a range of services we are in a strong position to offer the RPO option to our clients wherever they may be.


CA Global offer 3 main search categories, all of which can be tailored to meet individual client needs.

Search Categories:

  • Contingency fee: This is a “Success Fee” with no upfront costs or risks.  Clients only invoiced on candidate start date once a successful candidate has been onboarded. (Calculated as a % of the candidates total cost to company over a 12 month period)
  • Contract fee: This is a “Success Fee” with no upfront costs or risks.  Clients only invoiced on candidate start date once a successful candidate has been onboarded. This fee is calculated on a pro-rata basis of the candidates total cost to company over a 12 month period dependant on duration of the contract and up to a maximum of one year.
  • Retained fee: This is an upfront fee which is agreed with the client and invoice at specific milestones of the retained search / Often utilised for highly confidential or senior level appointments.

For a full breakdown of services provided and costings please contact CA Global at:


Our RPO service includes: Recruitment Services, Consultancy Services & Payroll Services


How do our clients benefit? Flexibility, Cost Reduction, Accountability.

How Can We Help You?